First Captive State trailer tease imagines a perfect world thanks to alien overlords
Yesterday, the first trailer for Captive State made waves as both the newest movie from director Rupert Wyatt (Rise of the Planet of the Apes, The Gambler) and an interesting take on the perfect society picture. The entirety of the trailer has viewers thinking they’re watching some kind of Purge public service announcement, and then that final shot rolls in and we realize we’re in for a completely different kind of movie.
There didn’t seem to be much footage in the Captive State trailer that couldn’t be considered b-roll, but maybe that’s a good thing. Trailers these days tend to give away the plot, from the first beat to the last, so it’s nice to see one that’s taking the subtle teaser route instead. That said, in light of the Overlord trailer I shared the other day and J.J. Abrams saying that’s not a Cloverfield sequel, and also seeing John Goodman here, it’s hard not to let the “Hey, is Captive State a Cloverfield sequel?” worm wiggle its way into your brain.
Regardless of what this is, Captive State looks like it could be worth the ride. Here’s the first trailer for the movie for you to check out:
Again, not much by way of revealing footage, but there’s a skeleton there that’s intriguing. Riot in the streets against alien overlords, maybe? Life isn’t as perfect and serene as it seems, maybe? Only time will tell.
The barebones plot synopsis for Captive State also doesn’t give much away:
Set in a Chicago neighborhood nearly a decade after an occupation by an extra-terrestrial force, “Captive State” explores the lives on both sides of the conflict – the collaborators and dissidents.
Captive State stars John Goodman, Vera Farmiga, Machine Gun Kelly, Madeline Brewer, Kevin J. O’Connor, Jonathan Majors, Kevin Dunn, and Ashton Sanders. The movie is scheduled for theatrical release on March 29, 2019.